Update Industrial Action
To all our valued customers,
This is just a short message of sincere thanks for your patience and understanding for the duration of the past Industrial Action in the Steel and Allied Industries. The frustration was mutual and unfortunately there was nothing that we could have done to remain operational during this period.
Everything is back to normal and we are ready and able to continue our valued trading relationship with all. Should there be any issues as a result of the strike that you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Vernon Schultz
082 328 5870 – 082 328 5870
Mpumatech Team 2020
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Shutdown December 2018 – January 2019
Our Blog To all our Valued Customers, Once again we are nearing the end of the year and it's almost time for most of us to have a well-deserved holiday! Our Manufacturing facilities will be closing for the annual December shutdown on Friday 07...
INDUSTRIAL ACTION / STRIKE JULY 2014 To all our valued customers INDUSTRIAL ACTION / STRIKE JULY 2014 As we are all aware, the pending industrial action is not too far away; the apparent commencement date is 1 July 2014. We cannot ascertain the time frame or extent of...
Ann-Marie Matthews
It is with a deep sense of sadness and regret that we announce the passing of Mrs. Ann-Marie Matthews, co-founder of our sister company Neven Matthews (Pty) Ltd, on the 2nd of January 2013 in Waynesboro USA after a short battle with cancer.
Plans For Expansion
Plans For ExpansionIn early 2012 the decision was taken to extend the existing factory by 50%, with work beginning on the foundation in June 2012. At present the support beams are being erected, with the project completion projected for early November 2012. To...
Lee Cooper appointed to Internal Sales
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Lee Cooper to the position of Internal Sales/ Logistics MST . Lee started with the Neven Matthews in 2008 in the position of Internal Sales /Logistics. To incorporate the Internal Sales and Logistics functions of...
Themba Manyisa – July 11th 2011
It is with much sadness that we at Mpumatech Stainless heard on Monday morning 11th July 2011 that Themba Manyisa passed away. Themba has had medical issues related to his blood pressure, and reports suggest that he may have had a stroke late Sunday night. He was...
Neven Post June 23rd 2011
To ensure consistent and verifiable polishing quality, MST is purchasing a Mitutoyo SJ-201 Surface Roughness Tester. http://www.mitutoyo.com/pdf/1795SJ201P.pdf
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